For people who are from cooler places, the word “snowman” often makes them think of snow days they had as kids. In golf, on the other hand, a snowman stands for something much less ideal. In the world of golf slang, a snowman means a pretty bad score of 8 on any given hole. Since most golf holes are par 3 or par 4, getting a snowman is a worse result than the feared triple bogey. You don’t have to be a professional golfer to know that this is not at all a good showing.
Many phrases have come from the idea of a golf snowman, with “blizzard” being one noteworthy example. In this article, we will look at some cold golf slang and talk about ways to keep your score from dropping below zero.
What Is A Blizzard In Golf?
A blizzard is not something you usually encounter on the golf course. We certainly have never played in the snow! It’s a fairly simple piece of dad math, Two snowmen are equal to one blizzard.
The word “snowman” has become so popular in sporting circles that it has led to the creation of new golf terms. For example, you might face a “blizzard” instead of a simple figure when you’re trying to get through a very difficult course. According to different sources, a blizzard could mean a score of 88 for the whole round, two golfers scoring snowmen on the same hole, or back-to-back snowmen.
No matter what the exact meaning is, a blizzard on your scorecard means that the round was hard and challenging. Adding winter-themed slang to the game can make it more fun when things are tough, but it might lose its appeal when your fellow golfers start calling you “frosty” on the fields.

Melt A Snowman With Chicken Sticks!
What can you do to avoid the scary snowman and keep your scores at par or better? The answer lies in a different part of golf language: “chicken sticks.” This phrase refers to the smart use of a more reliable club to make a difficult shot.
If you often find yourself going off the green, it’s possible that you’re trying to hit shots that are too difficult for you. Instead of trying to hit too many difficult shots, you should focus on picking the right club for the situation. Your golfing partners may make fun of you by calling you a chicken. But their laughs will fade as your score keeps going up.
Final Thoughts
Don’t worry if the large number of golf slang words is making your head spin. On the golf course, people won’t make fun of you for sometimes saying the wrong thing. Some of you may be worried about making a social mistake on the greens. Fear not, we have a lot of information to help you. Check out our article to learn basic golf terms for people who have never played before and to get ideas for what to expect during a round. You’ll quickly learn all the terms used in golf, from A to Z.